2008 Middle School Science Fair

John was required to submit an entry to the school science fair this year. He missed the first couple of deadlines for different things that were due, like Problem Statement, draft of research, etc. After locating a copy of the assignment from a friend - he had lost his - he set out to complete his project.

Imagine our surprise when John came home with a 2nd Place ribbon for his project!! He got 2nd in the Environmental and Earth Science category out of all the entries from 5th and 6th graders at his school.

This qualified his project for the city science fair. Which was held at MLK. He got a blue ribbon at the city fair. (all the entries got ribbons, blue, red, or white - then they awarded a true 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophy from among the blue ribbons in each category. )

John was recognized on stage with the rest of the kids who earned blue ribbons in his grade and category.

His t-shirt says Video Game Instructor (no standard school attire required - it was a Saturday)
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